AND NOW, FROM LONDON, YOUR MILOSEVIC MISINFO FOR THE DAY The excerpt below is from the London 'Telegraph.' This newspaper has no connection with the Belgrade 'Telegraph' which published a transcript of an alleged phone conversation between Serbian Prime Minister Djindjic and Yugoslav President Kostunica before they illegally kidnapped President Milosevic. The London 'Telegraph' article is educational for it demonstrates the extent to which the media spreads pro-Washington misinformation about the Serbian people in general and Slobodan Milosevic in particular. The 'Telegraph' writers claim they have spoken to Milosevic lawyers and ferreted out details of Mr. Milosevic's legal strategy. This is remarkable since Milosevic's Legal Defence team has not yet been assembled. That is, there is no lawyer in the world from whom they could have ferreted. These details of strategy are purely fictional. According to the 'Telegraph,' Mr. Milosevic will make the following argument: "Sure I did bad things, but British leaders helped me." According to the 'Telegraph,' in this way Milosevic will show that "NATO is guilty" and, adds the 'Telegraph,' NATO leaders are very nervous. Sure they are. Since people tend to identify with anti-governmental critics, this approach has the beauty of producing public support for even harsher government actions in the guise of attacking uncaring officials. When the NATO governments proceeded to take harsh, unfair and unjustified actions against the Serbs, the ground had been prepared. Instead of being furious at the blatant imperialism of NATO intervention, a section of the public thought, "Well it's about time they did something about those Serb fascists. Better late than never." Now the 'Telegraph' is suggesting that Mr. Milosevic will use the same sort of argument, though in retroactive form, saying, "Who are they to preach about war crimes? While I was committing all those war crimes they sat on their hands or even helped me." If Mr. Milosevic were to adopt such an approach, he would accomplish two things for NATO. First he would agree that he (and of course the Serbian people) was guilty as charged. Second, he would justify NATO's most aggressive actions. And third, such a defence would be devastating to those who want to use this 'trial' to attack NATO and the Tribunal and clear the name of the Serbs. For the record, I have
contacted a representative of the Socialist Party of Serbia. Speaking for the
Head Committee, he had the following comment about the 'Telegraph's' claims: 1) The Hague is a tool
illegally created by the UN Security Council under orders of Washington; it
functions in violation of all legal standards to demonize and brutalize
Serbian leaders and the Serbian people. "Milosevic: I'll name
British leaders who helped me "Milosevic: Lawyers will
claim Western Governments propped up his regime CANA IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Dear Mme Ponte, I am writing to you regarding
Mr Milosevic, who was abducted illegally yesterday from the territory of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. I paste below a letter which I
have already sent to Geoff Hoon, Secretary of State for Defence, asking that
he provide information in connection with a private prosecution I intend to
bring alleging complicity by him & others in the political/military chain
of command in the heinous crime of If the Court were in UK &
not in the Netherlands, where another system of law applies, with which I am
unfamiliar you would be required by now to respond to a writ of habeas corpus. It is totally disgraceful that
you as a prosecutor are willing to receive someone into your detention
facilities who you know has been unlawfully abducted from another sovereign
country. It lessens the respect we might
otherwise have for your Tribunal, but actually I don't have any anyway, not
since your staff wrote to me at the time I requested an investigation to
commence into NATO atrocities, & said they weren't interested, & the
conclusion I inevitably drew from such As I have discovered more about
the irregularities & sleaze which surround the day to day operations of
your Court so I am increasingly disgusted that The Secretary General & the
Security Council allows your Court to continue to function as a UN agency. At this point I do not want to
get into an argument about its character, other than to say I ask you &
require you as an international public servant to communicate this letter, +
my good wishes, to Mr Milosevic, as soon as possible, & can you please
confirm to me that you have done so. I would point out that the
conditions you impose in limiting Mr Milosevic's telephone calls only to seven
minutes per hour strike me as very restrictive, when one considers the
enormous work that has to be done by his defence team, & their restricted
facilities, compared with the profligate misuse of Mr Soros's money, in terms
of the resources you have available as a prosecutor. You represent a NATO Court set
up to forward US foreign policy. At the same time, as I know I
cannot appeal to your conscience, as you don't appear to have one, (as
otherwise you would have done your job & investigated the Nato atrocities,
& additionally tried to stop the genocide which has gone in Kosovo since
NATO entered the province, of the indigenous I therefore request you to
desist from torturing Mr Milosevic, nor to hold him for long periods in
solitary confinement, allow him full freedom to receive visitors at any time
of his choosing & further that The United Nations fund his legal team. I, and most people in UK, are
convinced that Mr Milosevic cannot under any circumstances receive a fair
trial at your Court, & your press conference earlier tonight, in which
your hatred & personal animosity towards the prisoner, & all Serbs was
barely concealed, will not enhance either your Yours sincerely, Dear Geoff Hoon, I am concerned
about the illegality of the action by which Mr Milosevic was transported by
RAF plane from the territory of the Former Yugoslavia, when you were well
aware he didn't go willingly, and that the flight out of Belgrade was illegal,
according to the country's President. LETTER TO THE EDITOR OF NEW YORK
In reference to "Milosevic
and the Beginning of Honesty," I applaud the part of Peter Maass' Op-Ed
essay where he recommends that Serb judges be included and that Serb
journalists be helped to report on the Hague tribunal's proceedings in order
to make the verdict convincing to the Serbs. I do so because Carla del Ponte
has already condemned Milosevic in public for life in prison without a trial,
with additional charges beyond Kosovo. Under such a circumstance she needs to
recuse herself from prosecuting the man she has already sentenced and a new
prosecutor is in order. It is not only that Milosevic is on trial but, also,
the Tribunal itself. It has so far been unable to provide absolute public
evidence of a single fair and impartial trial. An open trial, with full
defense rights and with a new prosecutor would provide the needed environment
for a verdict that all can accept. Otherwise the Rule of Law which the
International Community has sought to promote in the Balkans, will have no
future. This is already evident in the way that Milosevic was delivered to the
Hague in an RAF plane in clear violation of the Rule of Law in Belgrade
itself. Where I disagree with Mr. Maass
is on the subject of the need to "cure" the Serbs of their
"victim mythology." His text allows for no Serb victims and that is
the problem when the Victor imposes his version of History. Between August
1991 and February 1992, some 40,000 Serbs were ethnically cleansed out of
Western Slavonia. Their Churches were systematically destroyed, their
properties were looted and taken over and many of their elderly were simply
executed. It was the ethnic cleansing that started it all. No Serb victims?
Four years later, in August 1995, some 250,000 Serbs were ethnically cleansed
from Krajina, with more properties looted and torched and more of the dead
elderly who could not flee. No Serb victims? Between 28 March and 6 June 1999,
after eleven weeks of relentless bombing by NATO (Mainly U.S. and Britain),
some 3,000 Serbs were dead and about three times that number were wounded No
Serb victims? The infrastructure of Serbia was "taken out." This did
not victimize the Serbs? Since the NATO/UN advent in Kosovo, over 250,000
Serbs have been ethnically cleansed by the so-called "Kosovo Liberation
Army." More than a thousand Serbs have been kidnapped and murdered
piecemeal. It is still going on. Clearly , the "Beginning of
Honesty" must start here at home. Otherwise, we only dishonor ourselves
while lecturing others.
WE DID IT. NOW ITS YOUR TURN These are the pathetic words of
Miroljub Labus, Yugoslavia's Deputy Prime Minister as he shamelessly begs for
his 'thirty pieces of silver' What 'they' did will for ever
besmirch the reputation of the Serb people. Behind the back of Yugoslav
President Kostunica, the one politician whose integrity has provided
credibility for the 'gang' headed up by Djindjic, and in collaboration with
foreign states (The R.A.F was involved), Yugoslavia's former president was
whisked away surreptitiously for a show trial at the American financed
'kangaroo' court in the Hague. In so doing these clandestine plotters, the
NATO acclaimed harbingers of 'reform' and 'democracy', ignored parliamentary
rule, their own laws, and their own courts. America had to be appeased and
America needed the 'show trial' to cover up America's clandestine involvement
in sparking the civic upheaval in Kosovo and their geo-political goals to
enable them to establish a military base in Kosovo to facilitate the building
and future protection of the Trans-Balkan oil pipe line. Let's all make sure these
disgusting politicians are rewarded. Let's all send thirty pieces of silver
(in Canada and the U.S.A. thin dimes will do) to Messrs Djindjic, Lubus, Jus
and any others who come to mind. You might want to enclose a note saying. '
Here is your reward to fulfill the deal whose archetype is recorded in Matthew
26; 14-16'. William J. Hutton Milosevic's Arrest, Extradition
Condemned Several representatives of the
political parties and NGOs met in New Delhi in an emergency meeting convened
by the National Panthers Party President, Prof. Bhim Singh to review the
situation created following the illegal detention and extradition of Mr.
Slobodan Milosevic, former President of Yugoslavia. The representatives of
National Panthers Party, International Jurists Council, Non-Aligned Congress
of Youth, Global Women Lib, Indo-African Solidarity Committee, State Legal Aid
Committee and several other groups of the Lawyers discussed the dangers caused
to the security of the sovereign states due to the draconian command of the
New World Order unleashed by the unipolar command of the USA. 1. 103 representatives of
several political groups and NGOs in a resolution condemned the arrest of the
Serbian Hero and the Former President of Yugoslavia and described his
deportation to Hague on the dictates of the Anglo-American Order. 2. The resolution condemned
deportation of President Milosevic who is also President of Socialist Party of
Serbia as most illegal, unconstitutional, improper and in violation of the
Constitution of Yugoslavia and fraud on the Charter of the United Nations. The
resolution said that the decree under which President Milosevic was handed
over to the hungry wolves running the so-called Criminal Tribunal in Hague was
totally unconstitutional and discriminatory on several accounts; a) The decree was illegal as it
had no mandate of the Parliament of Yugoslavia. The decree was issued by the
so-called cabinet committee, which was not headed by President of Yugoslavia.
President Kostunica did not preside that cabinet meeting which issued the
decree to hand over President Milosevic to the Criminal Tribunal in Hague, b) The decree was also illegal
because it convened Articles 23, 24, 25, 26,27 and 28 which assured freedoms
to a citizen of Yugoslavia and equality before law. No person can be deprived
of his freedoms without the application of due process of law. President
Milosevic has been denied the right to make a representation even against his
arrest and deportation to a foreign country, c) Deportation of President
Milosevic is also in violation of national and international law as the
constitutional court of Yugoslavia had suspended the decree passed by the
Cabinet Committee authorising the government to deport President Milosevic, d) The decree passed to deport
the foremost Serbian leader and former President of Yugoslavia is betrayal of
the commitment and the promise made by President Kostunica to ensure and
protect the freedom of the individuals and democratic norms and the values in
Yugoslavia. This act of President Kostunica has established that the present
Kostunica government is working under the dictates of the US masters and some
other enemies of Serbian nation, e) President Milosevic is being
tortured and terrorised because he with the support and the help of the
Serbian people resisted the inhuman and brutal aggression of NATO forces led
by US against Yugoslavia, f) The NATO allies led by US
have committed another aggression against the popular leadership of the
Balkans. Mr. Milosevic is being crucified by the USA for daring to remain in
the NAM countries by defying the brutal command of NATO alliance, g) Because President Milosevic
openly, sincerely and courageously opposed the unipolar command of the USA and
advocated for the cooperation of the third world countries in the interest of
international justice and peace, h) Because President Milosevic
refused to barter the Yugoslavian sovereignty with the USA and refused to
compromise on the national security. 3. The resolution has called on
President Kostunica to withdraw the decree and accept the command of the rule
of law. Resolution condemned the DOS rulers for selling the pride, glory and
dignity of the Serbian nation just for one billion dollars. 4. The resolution urged on Mr.
Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the United Nations to intervene
immediately in the interest of the prestige and credibility of the United
Nations itself by disbanding the so-called Criminal Tribunal in Hague which
has no locus or jurisdiction to try President Milosevic for administrative or
political action by legitimate government in Kosovo as Kosovo as an integral
part of Serbia, a constituent of the Republic of Yugoslavia. Article 2(7) of
the UN Charter does not allowed United Nations or any of its agency to
interfere with the domestic affairs of any Member State. Kosovo is and shall
be and internal and domestic affairs of Yugoslavia. The United Nations has no
authority or jurisdiction whatsoever to try a Head of the State for his
administrative acts. This act on the part of Kostunica government is the
dangerous move to surrender the Yugoslavian sovereignty before the US (not UN)
Criminal Tribunal in Hague. 5. The resolution warned Mr.
Kostunica of serious consequences in case he failed to withdraw the decree and
ensure safe return of President Milosevic. 7. Prof. Bhim Singh while
addressing the politicians, parliamentarians, intellectuals and jurists
reminded Mr. Kostunica of his promise to restore democratic values in
Yugoslavia. He (Kostunica) had declared on June 26, 2001 that under the terms
of the decree, extradition "cannot be carried out in 48 hours". He
had himself stressed "that kind of cooperation between our judiciary and
The Hague would be better". Mr. Kostunica had repeatedly assured the
nation that President Milosevic shall never be handed over to the so-called UN
Criminal Tribunal. Prof. Bhim Singh said that this is the greatest tragedy of
the century that Mr.Kostunica who appeared to be a gentleman has surrendered
his authority and consensus to that, "The pressure of Washington at the
international level and the majority stance of DOS leaders on the domestic
level". 8. In a special communication
to the NAM countries and its prominent Members, the National Panthers Party
has demanded an urgent meeting of the NAM countries to discuss this situation
and adopt such measures as are necessary within the meaning and scope of the
UN Charter and the Constitution to save the life of President Slobodan
Milosevic and democracy in Yugoslavia which has been mortgaged to the dictates
of Washington. 9. Prof. Bhim Singh declared
that his party shall move a petition before the International Court of Justice
at Hague against the illegal and unconstitutional trial of President Milosevic
by the so-called UN Criminal Tribunal. Prof. Bhim Singh who is a specialist on
the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has decided to challenge the very
authority of the UN War Tribunal which has been constituted by the US and her
allies in contravention of the UN Charter. CANA STATEMENT: Immediate Release LETTER OF CHRISTOPHER BLACK TO EDITOR
OF TORONTO SUN The Editor, FROM CAMPEACE TO: President Kostunica
Federal President of Yugoslavia Belgrade Dear President Kostunica, CamPeace,(Cambridge Campaign
for Peace) is an organisation which evolved from Cambridge Against NATO's War
in the Balkans, which was established more than two years ago to oppose the
criminal bombing of your country. Thousands of people in the
United Kingdom protested against this illegal action, and campaigned for the
lifting of sanctions against Yugoslavia. Now we see you presiding over a
coup in your country, acting completely unconstitutionally (you who pride
yourself on being a "legalist") as you allow your DOS colleagues to
force through this illegal compliance with the Hague War Crimes Tribunal. You
and the DOS Government are capitulating to those forces that destroyed
Yugoslavia, and for what? For 30 silver coins which Yugoslavia will have to
pay back many times over. We urge you not to be
intimidated by the bullies, we urge you not to yield to these illegal
pressures. You must stop the blackmail. Call their bluff. Otherwise you are
delivering your country into the hands of international gangsters. If Milosevic goes to The Hague,
then his trial will turn into the trial of a nation, ie Serbia, to the delight
of Madeleine Albright and other "friends" of Serbia. It will justify
the bombing of Yugoslavia and "prove" that the NATO gangsters were
moved by humanitarian concerns. We are not supporters of
Milosevic, but we are supporters of a better world in which the law will be
adhered to, instead of a world dominated by international gangsters. You must be strong, resist
blackmail, speak the truth about Rambouillet, speak the truth about this
blackmail and the proud Serbian people will support you, and the peoples of
the world will show their solidarity with the Serbian people. With best wishes, Yours sincerely, DEMOCRACY IS VISITED
the Yugoslav parliament is a positive step toward full democracy. That's why
the State Department, CIA, NED, USAID, Heritage House and Mr. Cheney are all
closely monitoring this though of course we have no material stake, just a
passion for humanitarianism,' said a senior American official who spoke on
condition of anonymity." The Yugoslav cabinet adopted a
decree today committing itself to kiss NATO's ring, sending the former
president, Slobodan Milosevic, to the United Nations tribunal in The Hague to
face trial on charges of insufficient devotion to the Indispensable Nation. The extradition of Mr.
Milosevic could set the stage for a trial such as hasn't been seen in Europe
since the Reichstag fire. "This really puts us on the map, "
commented a Washington official on condition of anonymity. Bechtel Engineering
announced plans for a high security prison complex at The Hague for foreign
heads of state who respond sluggishly to U.S. advice. Mr. Milosevic, who was
indicted, along with four of his top officials, by the entirely independent
War Crimes Tribunal at the request of Madeleine Albright in May 1999 for
refusing to hand Yugoslavia over to the League of Genocidal Capitalists, is
first on the list for "surrender" to The Hague, DOS leaders state. The decree takes effect Sunday,
and some officials suggested that the former president, already in detention
in Belgrade central jail, could be extradited "very soon," before
the people of Yugoslavia can respond to the decree, which has charitably been
described as an act of loathsome self-prostration. Other officials suggested,
however, that it could take until the end of the month, because lawyers and supporters
of Mr. Milosevic have noted that the decree violates the Yugoslav and Serbian
constitutions, and would mean surrendering an elected head of state to a
gang of bomb-happy murdering imperialists, who are responsible for the deaths
of their brothers and sisters. Supporters of the decree, however, point out
that there are no such constitutional provisions except the ones which
unambiguously forbid the extradition of Yugoslav and Serbian citizens. Deputy Prime Minister and G-17
leader Miroljub Labus made clear at a news conference today after the cabinet
meeting that the pro-extradition faction intends to carry out the measure
"whether it is legal, and whether the people, or even other members of
the coalition government, like it or not." "Washington has demanded
we give them Milosevic plus lots of Yugoslav Army men and they're gonna get
Milosevic plus lots of Yugoslav Army men," commented Labus. "That's
democracy." Beta news agency quoted the
Serbian Prime Minister, Zoran Djindjic, as saying before the 'vote' that Mr.
Milosevic's transfer to The Hague "will pass without problems, in
regular, public procedures." When a reporter noted that the Yugoslav
Parliament had a majority against surrendering the former head of state,
Djindjic snorted, replying, "So? What's your point?" When pressed to explain why he
would circumvent the wishes of Parliament and various election pledges, Mr.
Djindjic pulled a pair of woman's stockings over his head and commented,
"Because we was installed in power by means of the generosity of certain
Indispensable gents, which gents would view as most undemocratic any
individuals which accepted their lettuce but subsequently failed to produce a
salad." The United States has
threatened to boycott the upcoming International Monetary Fund-organized
"Donors" Conference unless Yugoslavia extradites someone the U.S.
has demonized within 27 minutes thus giving the mass media a focus for
re-broadcasting the lies used to justify murdering two thousand innocent
Yugoslavs and crippling their economy. Washington warns that without its
Indispensable presence the "Donors" Conference would flop thus
rendering the IMF unable to destroy
those industries the U.S. somehow neglected to bomb. "Bypassing the Yugoslav
parliament is a positive step toward full democracy. That's why the State
Department, CIA, NED, USAID, Heritage House, and Mr. Cheney are gleefully
monitoring the action though of course we have no material stake, just a
passion for humanitarianism," commented a senior American official on
condition of anonymity. "Is that true," asked
this reporter? "No," said the
Source, "but it sure beats saying we need to eliminate the Serbs because
they are an extremely annoying obstacle to bringing the entire Balkans area
under the rule of our pet Kosovo Liberation Sadists thus consolidating the
southern flank for our planned attack on Russia and other former Soviet
countries which might of course lead to nuclear war meaning the end of
civilization as we know it but, hey, no pain no gain." Say NO to Traitors Esteemed citizens, An attempt to commit treason
and to force shameful capitulation on our country is underway! The statutory
instrument which the top leadership of the DOS has used to authorize the
extradition of our citizens to the Hague Tribunal is unprecedented,
anti-constitutional and anti-democratic. It brings into question the survival
of the Federal State, our freedom and our sovereignty. The passage of this extradition
decree was accompanied by lies and manipulation. There were claims that the
Dayton Accords imposed obligations on us; there were claims that the
'international community' was of one mind and resolved on the issue of
extradition; there were claims that we would receive favourable treatment at
the so-called donor conference. Rumors are being floated
suggesting that if we only kneel at NATO's Hague court, we will be granted a
write-off on the interest due on our debts. But to whom do we owe this money?
To the bankers of the "international community". And when did this
debt accrue? Why, during the time that this same 'international community'
waged war and inflicted draconian sanctions on Yugoslavia. Conspicuously, the DOS leaders
do not mention that if we agree to cooperate with the Hague--thereby falsely
confessing to guilt--we will become much poorer. For we will, in effect, have
abandoned our claims for war damages. In addition, we will lay ourselves open
to war reparations claims from Bosnia and Croatia. The DOS leaders also fail
to mention that the much-touted cooperation with the international bankers
will require the fire-sale of our industries at rock-bottom prices. The real aim of this
historically unprecedented decision is to grant amnesty to NATO leaders and to
impose collective quilt on the Serbian people. It will mean our accepting
responsibility for all the suffering in this area. It will leave our people
without any hope of improving their lives. And it will open the gates to the
mass extradition of our people to a foreign political court financed by US
Government agencies and billionaire financiers like George Soros. By taking this action, DOS has
destroyed the Federal Administration. Because its actions are being resisted
in Montenegro, it wants to destroy the Federal State as well. For weeks, DOS
leaders have used the media to slander the Yugoslav Army. Now they threaten to
deport heroes of the Yugoslav Army to the Hague. The Presidents of Yugoslavia
and Serbia are not doing their job, which is to protect the constitutional
order; indeed, they have become a cover for the destruction of that order. DOS
is blackmailing and attempting to abuse the judiciary. The economic system is
ruined and poverty is increasing rapidly. Education, health care and culture
are humiliated. The country is sinking towards hopelessness. Esteemed citizens, Say a decisive NO to these
traitors to the people and the state! Say NO to those who would sell
the soul of the Serbian nation and its honor for a fistful of dollars! A people whose heroism was
admired all over the world will not accept this utter humiliation! The Serbian
people will never accept this DOS capitulation! Let us unite to protect
democracy, sovereignty and the constitutional order! Let us protect Slobodan
Milosevic and every citizen of this country! Belgrade, 23rd June 2001 THE SOCIALIST PARTY OF SERBIA The
Executive Committee of the Socialist Party of Serbia warns that the Since
the DOS regime has failed in its attempt to pass the In
so doing DOS has taken control over the state by decrees; No
one has the right to diminish and insult the thousands of victims of the The
leadership of the Socialist Party of Serbia, on behalf of its THE SOCIALIST PARTY OF SERBIA The
Socialist Party of Serbia underlines that by today's DOS decree The
Socialist Party of Serbia, as the largest opposition party, considers The
Socialist Party of Serbia decided to send immediately an appeal to The
Socialist Party of Serbia expects that the Federal Constitutional 1.
Declare the decree issued by the DOS members of the Federal Government
unconstitutional, since the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
and the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia explicitly forbid the
extradition of their citizens; 2.
Issue an injunction against the implementation of any individual act or COMMITTEE BACKING MILOSEVIC WARNS AGAINST EXTRADITION TO ICTY. BELGRADE
-- An official of an international committee set up to defend Slobodan
Milosevic Thursday warned of catastrophic consequences for Yugoslavia if the
former president is handed over to the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague. "Be
sure that misery, poverty, famine and total destruction would prevail in the
country" if Milosevic is sent to The Hague, said Mikhail Kuznecov, deputy
chairman of the International Committee for the Defense of Slobodan Milosevic.
not have any illusions that the United States or NATO will give you money and
help you rebuild your economy?" he told reporters. The
committee was set up on March 24, just a week before Milosevic's arrest by
Belgrade reformers on charges of abuse of power and corruption, to clear the
ex-president's name over the war crimes indictment by the International
Criminal Tribunal
for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). NATO "is aiming to destroy Yugoslavia
and its citizens," Kuznecov said, adding that Milosevic "is in
prison since he was the only one to confront the Alliance, and even managed to
stop it." He
said that no "law can legalise" Milosevic's extradition to ICTY, as
the move "is clearly banned by the Constitutions of Yugoslavia and
Serbia." The
committee, chaired by Bulgarian MP Velko Valkanov, and grouping figures like
former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark and writer Harold Pinter, said it has
members from 20 countries throughout the world. Its
activities are supported by more than 600 prominent figures from 30 countries,
said a statement on its website,
said the committee has set up an international working group to monitor legal
procedures against Milosevic, led by Canadian lawyer Christopher Black, who
had visited the former president in prison last week. Black
was among the lawyers who in 1999 brought war crimes charges against NATO
leaders for the bombing campaign on Yugoslavia. (c)
International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic held a Working Committee
meeting in Belgrade on June 17th. In
documents which were acknowledged on that occasion, the International
Committee repeated its demand for the immediate release of President Milosevic
from custody and accented the danger to the sovereignty and economic future of
Yugoslavia as well as to International Law if the threats being made by
political extremists to extradite Mr. Milosevic to the Hague Tribunal are
carried out. The
Committee has approved and published the report of its legal representative,
well-known Canadian attorney Christopher Black, who indicated that there is
not the least evidence that Milosevic is guilty. He stated that his further
imprisonment deeply undermines legality and human rights and characterized
this entire process as political. These conclusions were reached following his
visit to Belgrade and discussions with Yugoslav state and justice
representatives. It
was pointed out that the illegitimate Hague Tribunal has been used as an
instrument of NATO aggression. Respected
legal experts from several countries have evaluated the claims made by some
leaders of the Belgrade regime. According to the DOS claims, the extradition
of President Milosevic must proceed despite the fact that the Constitutions of
Serbia and Yugoslavia explicitly forbid such extraditions, must proceed even
in the absence of an appropriate law. The legal experts find such claims to be
entirely contrary to the most elementary understanding of law, dangerous for
democracy and sovereignty and very immoral. If such a legal precedent were
established, Yugoslavia would be considered responsible for all the
catastrophical consequences of NATO policy in the Balkans. Yugoslavia would,
in that case, lose its right to compensation for war damage and be forced to
pay war compensation to Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, possibly involving
several billion dollars. Germany
extradited Bosnian Serb Dusko Tadic after the adoption of an appropriate law,
but that law forbids the extradition of German citizens, because the German
Constitution forbids such action; so does the Constitution of Yugoslavia. The
Committee demands that the current Belgrade regime respect the principles of
right reign and therefore release Slobodan Milosevic immediately as well as
all political prisoners. The
special document accents the example of Macedonia whose survival is endangered
by terrorist forces created and controlled by NATO intelligence and military
structures. This example is striking, because Macedonia signed a partnership
agreement with NATO and put all its resources at NATO's disposal. At
the meeting, the Committee, whose membership consists of nearly 80 respected
persons from more than 20 countries, elected former US Attorney General Ramsey
Clark as its Co-Chairman as well as adding three more Vice-Chairmen, from
is absolutely clear that no evidence can be provided in proceedings against
Slobodan Milosevic and that keeping him in custody is exclusively politically
said Christopher Black, adding that, according to information he gathered, 250
political prisoners, mostly members of the Left, were in Serbian jails. In
Black's view, demands for Milosevic's extradition to The Hague derive from a
simple fact that the West is eager to get rid of the guilt for unprecedented
bombing of Yugoslavia. By sentencing Milosevic before a court that can hardly
be called a court of law, the United States and other Western countries, as
Black put it, want to wash their hands of the war they wagged contrary to all
international norms. Black
said he had just returned from Africa, where the people he had spoken to were
astonished by the fact that the symbol of resistance to NATO aggression was in
jail. Referring to the work of the International Crime Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia, Black said that unlike other courts, this "quasi-court"
presumed people guilty, rather than innocent. It would not be logical, said
Black, to expect it to be "fair" when one bears in mind the way it
was financed. All trials held before the court were typical political cases
and one should not look forward to a fair trial to Milosevic, or Karadzic and
Mladic should they be extradited to The Hague, concluded Black. Watch
Video (Videos are in Real format, You need RealPlayer8
to watch them) We Accuse: Washington's Aid Promises Are A Traitorous Lie! For the leaders of a country to
tell the people in that country that they should extradite patriots in
exchange for money from the forces which have bombed that country - is an
outrage. But for leaders of a country to
pretend that they are getting money from the bombers when they know perfectly
well they are not - to tell the people that they should support the jailing of
their patriots in exchange for money which these leaders know does not exist -
this is the worst treason. The present authorities in
Belgrade are guilty of treason. No Donors' Conference has ever
given any money to any country. The term "Donors'' is itself a deception.
The proper title is ''Creditors' Conference.'' If a "Donors'
Conference" takes place in June it will be a meeting of the banks that
claim Yugoslavia owes them money. The purpose of that meeting, like the
purpose of all Donors' Conferences, will be to plan how to sell Yugoslav
property so they can get back the money they claim they are owed as quickly as
possible. To whom will they sell Yugoslav
industries to get their money? To themselves basically. How much will they sell it for?
Pennies on the dollar. How much of the so-called
Yugoslav debt will get paid in this way? Very little. What will happen to the
industry that the 'Donors' scoop up in this fashion? Wherever such industries
might compete with some industry from the 'Donor' countries, the factories
will be closed down. Let us take an example that
occurred in Hungary, a country whose leaders have more than cooperated with
the U.S. The U.S. firm, General Electric, bought the big light bulb factory in
Hungary and closed it down. Now Hungarians have to buy light bulbs imported by
GE. This has happened in dozens of
countries. Donors' Conferences helped plan
the devastation of the economies of: *
Ukraine - went from the bread basket of Europe to being dependant on Western
surplus "food") *
Bulgaria - industry stripped and shut down) *
Russia - wages fell almost 90% overnight) *
Vietnam - after the "Donors' Conference" its industry was stripped
to raise the money to pay off 'debts'. This was particularly vicious because
those 'debts' had been accumulated by the puppet regime of South Vietnam.
South Vietnam incurred the 'debts' when it bought weapons from the U.S. to
fight Vietnamese patriots! That's what a Donors'
Conference does. Sometimes the real work takes
place after the official Conference is over, in meetings of the so-called
Paris and London Clubs, which are made up, respectively, of big commercial and
national banks from the US and Europe. But one thing no Donors'
Conference has ever, anywhere in the world done is give 1 billion dollars - or
in fact any money - to a country which supposedly owes these banks money. If
they do lend any money on paper they immediately take it away. That is, a little money may be
lent with one hand, but it will be immediately taken away with the other hand,
to "repay the debt." This has already happened with
millions of dollars supposedly "given" to Yugoslavia by the
international community. As is reported in a text by Dr. Prof. Michel
Chossudovsky: " "The
[IMF] Board approved a loan [of] US $151 million under the IMF's policy on
emergency post-conflict assistance in support of a program to stabilize the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's economy and help rebuild administrative
capacities. Of this amount, the [Belgrade] authorities will draw... US $130
million to repay the bridge loans they received [from Switzerland and Norway]
to eliminate arrears with the IMF."" (Quoted in "Economic
Terrorism," by Dr. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky) In other words, the authorities
in Belgrade borrowed money from Switzerland and Norway to pay money owed to
the IMF. Then they borrowed money from the IMF - and that was used to pay
Switzerland and Norway! This is a con game. Sometimes the truth about the
phony "Donors' Conferences" leaks out. Consider this excerpt from a
'Reuters' news dispatch. 'Reuters' lists all the terrible things that will
happen if Yugoslavia does not cooperate. The first thing is: 1.
"The US will oppose Yugoslav loans and assistance from international
financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.
At stake will be a planned $260 million loan from the IMF to back up reform of
an economy on the verge of collapse after years of sanctions and
warfare." NOTE that they speak of loan
not gift. No donation here! Based on the evidence from past
experience, this money may never be loaned. And even if it were loaned, it
would immediately be used to pay back part of the supposed debt. No money
would go to the economy or reach ordinary people. And then the $260 million
that we never received would have to be paid back by selling our industries,
by agreeing to purchase shoddy goods from the NATO countries and by agreeing
to laws that eliminated social services in our country. That is why every country that
has relied on these phony loans has suffered. For 8 years we had no loans.
Plus we had sanctions. But Rumania and Bulgaria which had no sanctions and
which had loans lost all their industry and now their unemployed come to
Yugoslavia looking for work. We will always be better off
helping ourselves than being saddled with parasites from the International
Monetary Fund and World Bank who are in business to strip countries like ours
of everything we have sweated to build. Here's the second 'disastrous'
consequence of not cooperating with Washington: 2.
"[This will mean putting off] Belgrade's plans to start negotiating a
debt settlement with the Paris Club of sovereign creditors and commercial
banks of the London Club... Of its total $12.2 billion external debt,
Yugoslavia owes some $5 billion to the Paris Club and around $3 billion to the
London Club." ('Reuters', April 2, 2001) So the "international
community" claims Yugoslavia owes it at least $12 billion (US). And if
Yugoslavia does not hand over Milosevic it will not have the pleasure of
stripping all its industry to repay this debt. Wouldn’t that be terrible? And how does the
"international community" figure that Yugoslavia owes it $12.2
billion dollars? This is almost entirely interest on debts supposedly owed by
the now nonexistent Yugoslav Socialist Republic. Here is a news report from
Dec. 31, 1992, which explains it all: "From:
'Facts on File World News Digest,' December 31, 1992 "Headline:
IMF Revokes Yugoslavia's Membership "Text:
The International Monetary Fund December 15 revoked Yugoslavia's membership
and apportioned the country's foreign debt among what the financial
institution designated as Yugoslavia's five successor republics. The IMF took
the action on the grounds that Yugoslavia had ceased to exist as a legal
entity. "Yugoslavia's
foreign debt was about $15 billion, including $217 million owed to the IMF and
$2 billion owed to the World Bank. "A
total of 36.5% of the debt was apportioned to Serbia-Montenegro, the new
Yugoslav federation, which the IMF treated as a single republic. Croatia was
deemed to owe 28.5% of the debt; Bosnia-Herzegovina, 13.2%; Slovenia, 16.4%;
and Macedonia, 5.4%." [End
of 'Facts on File' news dispatch] So in 1992, the IMF simply
decided to say that the Federal Republic owed 5.475 billion US dollars. Since
it now says we owe over $12 billion, that means that almost $7 billion of the
supposed debt is interest! And when did that interest get charged? That interest got charged
during the years of sanctions imposed by the same international community that
now claims we owe all this interest! Those sanctions hurt the
Yugoslav economy to the tune of billions of dollars U.S. By what right do these men, who
starved Yugoslavia with sanctions, costing us billions, and then bombed
Yugoslavia, causing us at least $60 billion in damage not to mention the
incalculable cost in human death and suffering, the pain of relatives who lost
loved ones, the psychological damage to children, forced to hide in shelters
from bombs, the long term damage of depleted uranium - how dare these starvers
and bombers now claim that Yugoslavia owes them money? Who are these men? A Donors' Conference would give
no money to Yugoslavia. The only result would be:
devastation of the Yugoslav economy. The Donors would order a forced sale of
Yugoslavia's precious industries for pennies on the dollar to the same bankers
who make up the Donors' Conference. And when it was all over, the
debt would still be there. Because the money raised would
be too little - as it is always too little, in every country where these
bankers have imposed this scam - to pay the debt. Because you see that is the
whole idea. They use the inflated debt to get hold of the industry, and when
it is all over, they leave the country stripped of all it sweated for years to
build, of everything except - billions of dollars in debt. We would gain nothing from this
Donors' Conference. But some things would be gone. Our industry would be gone. Our pride would be gone. Our honor would be gone. And our patriots, they would be
gone as well, starting with Mr. Milosevic, but not ending with him. Not ending
with him. Let us not follow this fool's
gold chase proposed by the present authorities in Belgrade. Let us rely on
ourselves, on our integrity and our own hard work. Let us trade with friends,
not with thieves who try to break us with the fake lure of suckers' gold. When they speak of the urgency
of this Donors' Conference, the present authorities in Belgrade speak with
passion. Their passion is real. But it is not because they fear
that if we do not go along with their proposals, Yugoslavia will lose money
that it needs. On the contrary, they fear that if they do not produce for
their masters in Washington, they will be punished. For Washington has no friends,
only future victims. Washington has laid down the
law to these Belgrade authorities. It has told them: you are
taking too much time. Give us Milosevic. Give us the patriots of the Yugoslav
Army. Give us those who fought us in Bosnia and Croatia. Give them to us NOW.
And give us everything of value in Yugoslavia. Because if you do not we will
take you - the DOS leaders - in their place. - SPS, 31 May 2001 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL BACKS U.S. ATTACK ON MILOSHEVICH; A MEMBER PROTESTS To
Amnesty International: However,
I was deeply disappointed when I opened the current edition of 'Amnesty Now'
to see a circled request for members to urge the transfer of Slobodan
Milosevic to the International Criminal Tribunal. An
organization that fights so hard on behalf of those unjustly punished should
not be an instigator of just such an injustice. The exaggerated claims of
atrocities have subsequently been shown to be completely false. Additionally,
the International Criminal Tribunal as a court of justice is as shocking as
those false atrocity charges. So
many articles have been published by reliable sources, on both the court and
the atrocities (if you are unaware of them, I will provide you with some) that
it should have, at least, caused hesitancy. I
may be mistaken to assume you are much too knowledgeable and intelligent to be
duped by the lies of governments and their subservient media. It is extremely
disheartening to find a worldwide human rights organization of your stature
taking such a reprehensible action. Sincerely, DENIAL OF MEDICAL TREATMENT THREATENS MILOSEVIC'S LIFE We
are members of the International Committee (ICDSM) that is circulating the petition
to Free President Milosevic from jail. In our view, Slobodan
Milosevic's arrest is a clear escalation of Washington's attempt to destroy
Yugoslav sovereignty. Washington is demanding that Milosevic be transferred to
The Hague where a show trial would be staged. This trial would blame the
Serbian people for NATO's crimes of aggression. Meanwhile, Mr. Milosevic is
being denied critical medical treatment. A
group of doctors who are deputies in the Serbian and Yugoslav Parliaments have
examined Slobodan Milosevic's medical file. The doctors belong to different
parties. Some are members of the governing coalition. The doctors have written
a Medical Appeal. It expresses in the sharpest possible medical language their
concerns about Milosevic's health. Below is our summary of the doctors'
statement, written in layman's language, followed by the doctors' Appeal
itself. SUMMARY
in jail, President Milosevic has been suffering from crisis hypertension. He
has also suffered a cardiac infarction. He was taken to a hospital and
underwent a brief treatment. Following this, he should have been kept in
intensive care under the supervision of specialists. Instead he was almost
immediately returned to his jail cell, where the only follow-up treatment
consists of receiving two medications. The doctors state it bluntly: Never in
medical history have these medications cured a condition such as that of Mr.
Milosevic. By keeping him in jail, rather than in intensive care under
specialist supervision, the government is subjecting President Milosevic to
suffering heart failure or stroke, unavoidable under his present conditions. We
urge all readers of this summary, and the medical statement below, to sign the
petition "FREE MILOSEVIC NOW". President Milosevic's medical
condition is itself sufficient reason for freeing him. In addition, though
Belgrade officials have kept the former President in jail for six weeks,
supposedly so that they could present evidence of alleged crimes, they have
yet to bring forth a single witness against him. What further evidence is
needed that his arrest was simply an attempt to satisfy a US Administration
that is determined to punish the leader of a small country who had the
temerity to assert his nation's sovereignty? One must also ask: Given this
clear denial of necessary medical treatment, is this part of an effort,
orchestrated by Washington, to ensure that President Milosevic dies in prison
before his scheduled show trial collapses through its own absurdity? |