International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic*ICDSM



approved by the Assembly of citizens and representatives of the patriotic organizations of Serbia, Montenegro and the Diaspora, held on 28 March 2004 in Belgrade, organized by SLOBODA/Freedom Association


Under the circumstances of complete endangerment of our national being, our statehood and dignity, in the time of pogrom of Serbs and extermination of their age-long tradition, culture and spirituality from Kosovo and Metohija, conducted in fascist methods by the Albanian terrorists supported by NATO forces, in the time when the illegal and criminal Hague tribunal enjoys the support of the governments of NATO countries in which manner the aggression against Serbia and the Serbian people is being continued, citizens and representatives of the patriotic organizations from Serbia,  Montenegro and the Diaspora, gathered on the invitation of SLOBODA/Freedom Association:


·        Demand the immediate release of President Slobodan Milosevic from the imprisonment which puts his life at stake. Call our state and international factors to actively pursue this and provide all the necessary preconditions. This way the Hague machinery, representing the tool of war against all of us, would be ultimately defeated and the freedom for all our leaders, heroes and victims imprisoned therein would be provided. Express deep conviction that this is the best way for establishment of the lasting peace and stability in the Balkans as well as the guarantee of the restoration of our sovereignty and national dignity. Demand from our state and all the patriotic and progressive forces in the world to immediately support President Milosevic’s struggle for truth by all political, moral and material means. Express the deepest acknowledgement to President Milosevic who, by his attitude towards the aggressor’s tribunal, put himself on the forefront of our struggle for freedom, equality and national dignity, becoming thus the inspiration for the progressive forces in the world.


·        Demand immediate restoration of full sovereignty of Serbia over Kosovo and Metohija. There is a full moral, constitutional and in international-law based justification for our armed forces to return immediately to Kosovo and Metohija and establish there the constitutional and legal order of Serbia, with the aim of protection of life and basic rights of all the people living there, in which manner the existence of the criminal, fascist and terrorist order created under auspices of NATO forces, which step on and made senseless the UN SC Resolution 1244, would be terminated.


·        Call for assembling of all parties, organizations and individuals patriotically-oriented in the struggle for freedom. The Freedom Association, being a beyond-party one, will organize itself and act in the strongest and the most active way, within all the municipalities of the country, with the aim of affirmation of truth and inducement of assembling, which is necessary to regain the freedom and prevent further tragedy and downfall, to maintain our state and national dignity, to create a perspective for economic and cultural development and to represent an equal and active factor in the processes of cooperation and integration in the Balkans, Europe and the World. We will proclaim the results of that strive and that struggle on 28 June at the big peoples’ rally in Belgrade.