Vladimir Kršljanin: Milošević and New World

In the foundation of Slobodan Milošević’s personality were laid the Orthodox Serbian spiritual and moral values, and in the superstructure – scientific, humane and democratic socialism. He combined these two related principles and embodied them in his personal and political life.

He was a man of great charisma, a brilliant mind and endless self-sacrifice. Not for a moment, even in prison, did he stop caring about his family and comrades-in-arms, formed on the basis of the national liberation wars of the twentieth century. And his life, as the leader of the people and the President of the Republic, he unwaveringly and without reserve devoted to his homeland and eventually sacrificed for it.

The state of the SFRY, in which he reached his maturity, found itself under the blow of Western imperialist lawlessness and aggression, which were carried out without hindrance after the collapse of the USSR. He defended Yugoslavia as a modern community of equal peoples, revived and restored Historical Serbia on its most glorious spiritual and moral foundations, modernized economic and political relations in the country in accordance with the highest level of scientific achievements, with faith in socialism of the 21st century and in the New World. We can only guess how successful his ideas and programs would be in times of peace, given that they gave us enough strength to resist the most terrible economic, propaganda, subversive and military aggression of the united West for 10 years at the historical peak of its arrogance and unilateralism. Three fatal factors acted against him and against us: 1) the united political West led by the United States, and in our case also by Germany, Great Britain and the Vatican with the fascist and terrorist organizations and intelligence groups subordinate to them on our territory; 2) The inability of the then Russia and China to defend the international order that emerged after the Second World War; 3) The biggest abuse of the UN in its history, when, contrary to International Law, the Security Council imposed sanctions and established an illegal tribunal against us – victims of Western aggression. We hope that our suffering and sacrifices, crowned with the great martyrdom of Milošević in the claws of the tribunal, will bring freedom to others and that no one in the world will ever suffer as we did.

Milošević, in spite of Western superiority, made possible the Serbian resistance in the forcibly torn off Croatia and B&H and suppressed the terrorist rebellion in Kosovo, rejected the economic colonization of Serbia and its military occupation, threatened in Rambouillet, with the moral forces of the people and with his own, conducting daily negotiations and fighting for peace, managed to achieve the Dayton Agreement and Resolution 1244, in the adoption of which Russia also helped. Russia, which, awoken by our Calvary, embarked on the path of accelerated recovery and development.

Slobodan Milošević formally initiated the entry of our country into the Union of Russia and Belarus and began a policy of comprehensive strategic partnership with China. His efforts towards equal cooperation and integration of all Balkan peoples further infuriated the West.

The national leader and herald of the New World was overthrown in a carefully staged American coup, a year after the NATO military aggression, when the Anglo-Saxon special services managed to penetrate all the pores of our society, and the country was extremely exhausted by ten years of resistance to the strongest aggressor in world history.

Today, however, we again have a prosperous Serbia, respected in Europe and in the world, which has proposed the Open Balkans Initiative and has an indissoluble alliance with Russia and China. This became possible due to the fact that we withstood two Kosovo battles, which are of epoch-making significance both for Serbia and for the whole world. This is the battle of 1389 under the leadership of Lazar against the Turkish Empire and the battle of 1999 under the leadership of Slobodan against the American Empire. Serbia is on the path of the New Testament and the New World.

The five-year battle of Milošević at The Hague was more difficult and fatal, but for history no less important than the battle of Dimitrov in Leipzig – they both inspire the freedom-loving people of the world. Milošević’s defense turned into a colossal indictment of the United States and NATO for their crimes, an indictment that has not yet materialized, but should be, since the future of Europe and the world cannot rest on the oblivion and unpunished crime of the break-up of Yugoslavia, the destruction and satanization of Serbia and murder of its president. Only the cancellation of the consequences of this Magnum crimen and the rehabilitation of its innocent victims will restore justice, and Europe and America will be able to enter the New World. Having renounced the long-term violence perpetrated over the Middle East, the United States and its allies must leave the Balkans, where they have infiltrated earlier, using force and abusing the UN.

And in order for this to happen, the initiator and creators of the New World – Serbia, Russia and China must unanimously speak on this important issue. All our efforts are directed towards this.


Vladimir Kršljanin



(Speech at the International Conference MILOŠEVIĆ – AGAINST THE NATO CRIMES, FOR A NEW WORLD)