Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic – Moral, Political and Legal Imperative


of the International Conference

“Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic – Moral, Political and Legal Imperative”

held in Belgrade, October, 21-22, 2001


We, representatives of the International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic and nine National Committees have gathered in Belgrade 21 and 22 October 2001 under the auspices of the Yugoslav Committee  (Freedom Association).  We express our deepest bitterness over the arrest of Slobodan Milosevic, the current President of the largest opposition party in Serbia and Yugoslavia.

President Milosevic is globally renowned for fighting for more than a decade for the Serbs and all Yugoslav peoples, a struggle that has made him the adversary of all who wanted to jeopardize that freedom.  By the conjunction of historical circumstances, those powers which wanted to jeopardize the freedom of the Yugoslav peoples, as well as the freedom of other nations, were big, powerful and ruthless.  The number of their victims, both peoples and individuals, is continuously growing.

Slobodan Milosevic has been the main target.  For a long time he fought the mightiest powers that joined together, deserting all semblance of nobility, and even reason.

Leaders of the struggle for national independence in other countries and for other peoples have replaced one another, thus sharing the wrath of the violent.  But Slobodan Milosevic took upon himself the full burden of that wrath.

For a whole decade he was subjected to the most brutal attacks in the U.S.-dominated mass media in an effort to reverse the roles of victim and culprit and thus to hide NATO’s vicious policy of releasing the worst terrorist forces to tear apart Yugoslavia.  Then President Milosevic was subjected to legal and political violence by authorities in his own country, who were acting for foreign powers. He was illegally jailed in Belgrade.  When the new regime could no longer hold him, they kidnapped him from jail and turned him over to NATO, which transported him to the Hague so-called Tribunal. Thus he is the first democratically elected head of state to be jailed in the dungeon of the New World Order.

What was his crime against this New World Order?  Only that he loved his people and freedom, and fought for both.

What do the new Masters hope to gain by kidnapping him? To use the false spectacle of a trial to justify the breakup of Yugoslavia, achieved through lies, threats, bribery and the cruelest violence.

In the attack on Yugoslavia, the United Nations has been degraded into a tool of U.S./EU neocolonial violence.  Now President Milosevic  has been imprisoned in a “UN” court.  The function of that court is to give the appearance of legality to the grossest violations of international law.

The idea of creating a court that puts on trial the leaders of resistance to aggression, while whitewashing those who instigated and waged terrorist-secessionist wars and naked aggression, dismembering and punishing Yugoslavia, could only be born in the most distorted minds.  The Hague “Tribunal” is a political instrument of genocide and the satanization of the Serbian people, and not a court of law.

We call upon the peoples of the world and those leaders who care about truth and justice:  let us a take joint stand against the violence that is threatening us all. Let us resist with the energy and dignity demonstrated by Slobodan Milosevic during the past decade, and now before the Hague kangaroo court.  With the demand for the release of Slobodan Milosevic we defend international law, equality among nations, ethnic fraternity and the right of ordinary people to live in peace without the fear that their nations will be attacked and decimated by NATO.

We call upon the United Nations, an organization established to connect peoples and individuals, to protect the poor and small against the wrath of the powerful and rich.  Abolish this Hague false Tribunal.  Free the Serbian patriots imprisoned in the name of the United Nations. Free Slobodan Milosevic, symbol of the World’s resistance of this unjust, New Order.

There is now much consciousness and discussion of the impact of terrorism.  The truth is the attack on Yugoslavia has been and continues to be waged through the use of  terrorist forces and similar fascist groupings, directed in the most cynical fashion by NATO, under U.S. government leadership.  President Milosevic led the fight against these forces while maintaining a policy of compassion and fraternity towards all ethnic groups and social justice for ordinary people.  The idea of a worldwide struggle against terrorism while this hero of resistance languishes in the Hague dungeon is an outrage.

Free Slobodan Milosevic Now.