Bhim Singh: Milosevic’s Arrest, Extradition Condemned in India

Several representatives of the political parties and NGOs met in New Delhi in an emergency meeting convened by the National Panthers Party President, Prof. Bhim Singh to review the situation created following the illegal detention and extradition of Mr. Slobodan Milosevic, former President of Yugoslavia. The representatives of National Panthers Party, International Jurists Council, Non-Aligned Congress of Youth, Global Women Lib, Indo-African Solidarity Committee, State Legal Aid Committee and several other groups of the Lawyers discussed the dangers caused to the security of the sovereign states due to the draconian command of the New World Order unleashed by the unipolar command of the USA.

1. 103 representatives of several political groups and NGOs in a resolution condemned the arrest of the Serbian Hero and the Former President of Yugoslavia and described his deportation to Hague on the dictates of the Anglo-American Order.

2. The resolution condemned deportation of President Milosevic who is also President of Socialist Party of Serbia as most illegal, unconstitutional, improper and in violation of the Constitution of Yugoslavia and fraud on the Charter of the United Nations. The resolution said that the decree under which President Milosevic was handed over to the hungry wolves running the so-called Criminal Tribunal in Hague was totally unconstitutional and discriminatory on several accounts;

a) The decree was illegal as it had no mandate of the Parliament of Yugoslavia. The decree was issued by the so-called cabinet committee, which was not headed by President of Yugoslavia. President Kostunica did not preside that cabinet meeting which issued the decree to hand over President Milosevic to the Criminal Tribunal in Hague,

b) The decree was also illegal because it convened Articles 23, 24, 25, 26,27 and 28 which assured freedoms to a citizen of Yugoslavia and equality before law. No person can be deprived of his freedoms without the application of due process of law. President Milosevic has been denied the right to make a representation even against his arrest and deportation to a foreign country,

c) Deportation of President Milosevic is also in violation of national and international law as the constitutional court of Yugoslavia had suspended the decree passed by the Cabinet Committee authorising the government to deport President Milosevic,

d) The decree passed to deport the foremost Serbian leader and former President of Yugoslavia is betrayal of the commitment and the promise made by President Kostunica to ensure and protect the freedom of the individuals and democratic norms and the values in Yugoslavia. This act of President Kostunica has established that the present Kostunica government is working under the dictates of the US masters and some other enemies of Serbian nation,

e) President Milosevic is being tortured and terrorised because he with the support and the help of the Serbian people resisted the inhuman and brutal aggression of NATO forces led by US against Yugoslavia,

f) The NATO allies led by US have committed another aggression against the popular leadership of the Balkans. Mr. Milosevic is being crucified by the USA for daring to remain in the NAM countries by defying the brutal command of NATO alliance,

g) Because President Milosevic openly, sincerely and courageously opposed the unipolar command of the USA and advocated for the cooperation of the third world countries in the interest of international justice and peace,

h) Because President Milosevic refused to barter the Yugoslavian sovereignty with the USA and refused to compromise on the national security.

3. The resolution has called on President Kostunica to withdraw the decree and accept the command of the rule of law. Resolution condemned the DOS rulers for selling the pride, glory and dignity of the Serbian nation just for one billion dollars.

4. The resolution urged on Mr. Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the United Nations to intervene immediately in the interest of the prestige and credibility of the United Nations itself by disbanding the so-called Criminal Tribunal in Hague which has no locus or jurisdiction to try President Milosevic for administrative or political action by legitimate government in Kosovo as Kosovo as an integral part of Serbia, a constituent of the Republic of Yugoslavia. Article 2(7) of the UN Charter does not allowed United Nations or any of its agency to interfere with the domestic affairs of any MemberState. Kosovo is and shall be and internal and domestic affairs of Yugoslavia. The United Nations has no authority or jurisdiction whatsoever to try a Head of the State for his administrative acts. This act on the part of Kostunica government is the dangerous move to surrender the Yugoslavian sovereignty before the US (not UN) Criminal Tribunal in Hague.

5. The resolution warned Mr. Kostunica of serious consequences in case he failed to withdraw the decree and ensure safe return of President Milosevic.
6. Prof. Bhim Singh who preside over the emergency meeting said that the US hawks are demanding 15 more Serbian leaders including Mr. Milan Milutinovic, elected President of Serbia, Nikola Sainovic, the former Federal Vice President of Yugoslavia, General Milutin Oydaivic, who commanded the Yugoslavian army during the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia and former Home Minister of Serbia, Mr. Stojiljkovic who is a sitting Member of Parliament. Prof. Bhim Singh accused US for trying to demolish the Serbian leadership and their pride by bulldozing those who dared oppose and resist the NATO aggression. This is an attempt to destabilise the Balkans.

7. Prof. Bhim Singh while addressing the politicians, parliamentarians, intellectuals and jurists reminded Mr. Kostunica of his promise to restore democratic values in Yugoslavia. He (Kostunica) had declared on June 26, 2001 that under the terms of the decree, extradition “cannot be carried out in 48 hours”. He had himself stressed “that kind of cooperation between our judiciary and The Hague would be better”. Mr. Kostunica had repeatedly assured the nation that President Milosevic shall never be handed over to the so-called UN Criminal Tribunal. Prof. Bhim Singh said that this is the greatest tragedy of the century that Mr.Kostunica who appeared to be a gentleman has surrendered his authority and consensus to that, “The pressure of Washington at the international level and the majority stance of DOS leaders on the domestic level”.

8. In a special communication to the NAM countries and its prominent Members, the National Panthers Party has demanded an urgent meeting of the NAM countries to discuss this situation and adopt such measures as are necessary within the meaning and scope of the UN Charter and the Constitution to save the life of President Slobodan Milosevic and democracy in Yugoslavia which has been mortgaged to the dictates of Washington.

9. Prof. Bhim Singh declared that his party shall move a petition before the International Court of Justice at Hague against the illegal and unconstitutional trial of President Milosevic by the so-called UN Criminal Tribunal. Prof. Bhim Singh who is a specialist on the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has decided to challenge the very authority of the UN War Tribunal which has been constituted by the US and her allies in contravention of the UN Charter.
10 The resolution expressed full solidarity with and support to the Socialist Party of Serbia in their noble and just struggle to restore rule of law and democracy in Yugoslavia and ensure safe and immediate return of President Milosevic.

Prof. Bhim Singh
President JKNPP
New Delhi,
25th June, 2001