Vladimir Kršljanin, secretary of the International Committee „Slobodan Milošević“,

former ambassador and foreign relations assistant to President Milošević

February 2010

As the end of the ICTY works approaches, we can consider the statistics of its work as almost final. An UN SC working group (chaired by Austria) is preparing for the coming spring a draft resolution on residual mechanism (and its location and archives location and handling) of ICTY. The ICTY President Patrick Robinson expects that five remaining trials were to be completed during 2010, and three in the first half of 2011.  The remaining case, of Radovan Karadžić, was to be completed in late 2012.  With the redeployment of resources to the Appeals Chambers, he anticipated that all appeals would be completed in 2013, except for the Karadžić appeal, due to finish in February 2014. Two UN SC ‘technical’ resolutions adopted in 2009 on extension of the judges’ term of office opens the way that the next, ‘terminal’ resolution (on residual mechanisms) will set up the final days of the ICTY in accordance to Robinson’s predictions. In its resolutions 1503 (2003) of 28 August 2003 and 1534 (2004) of 26 March 2004, the Security Council called on ICTY to take all possible measures to complete investigations by the end of 2004, to complete all trial activities at first instance by the end of 2008, and to complete all work in 2010. The Security Council however, took note of the assessment by the ICTY in its Completion Strategy Report (S/2009/589) that the Tribunal will not be in a position to complete all its work in 2010. So, one can realistically expect that everything that ICTY intends to do after 31 December 2010 will be stipulated by the ‘terminal’ resolution as a part of residual mechanisms – meaning that the ICTY will gradually die until 2014, preserving after that time some mechanism to try the remaining accused – Mladic and Hadzic, if (and when) they will be arrested. Whether Russia will accept extension of ICTY’s work (in some reduced format) after 2010 as a part of ‘residual mechanism’ it is to be seen. Theoretically, Russia can insist that the problem is solved or at least reduced, by the transfer of cases to national jurisdictions. The problem for Russia to keep firm stance on the issue is the position of Serbia. It lacks active position due to present government’s view of EU integration as absolute priority. The only thing the Serbian government is attempting from time to time, at least in words, is to get convicted Serbs to be at some point transferred from EU to Serbian prisons.


Russia is preparing for the 2010 spring very seriously. In 2009 a conference on ICTY was organized by the Institute of Slavonic Studies of the Russian Accademy of Sciences. In January 2010 a professional debate on international courts was organized by the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affaires. Russian media, including the 1st Chanel of the state TV give publicity to ICTY, always with a critical note. Recently, they reported on absurds of the Seselj’s case, implying that eventual failure of the ICTY to end it soon by his release can force Russia to vote against extension of ICTY work after 2010. A 40 minutes documentary on Yugoslav crisis and ICTY will be filmed in March.


In the Defense Strategy of Russia, signed recently by President Medvedev, NATO enlargement and its AMD located on Russian borders are explicitely seen as treaths to Russian security. In the solution of presently worsened relations with NATO, reflected in the first place in the regions of Caucasus, Balkans and Central Asia, the behavior of NATO in Yugoslav crisis (and the works of ICTY) is the crucial argument for Russia.


In that light, revival of the International Committee „Slobodan Milošević“ is of great importance. Criminal consequences of ICTY works need to be exposed and its victims need to be protected.


If we look at the present situation of the ICTY cases, the situation is as follows:


There is only one case in the pre-trial phase: Tolimir. His trial is expected to start in February 2010.


There are only two indicted at large: general Ratko Mladić and Goran Hadžić.


There are 6 more sealed indictments, the existence of which ICTY denies. It is expected that they will be given – transferred to the former Yugoslav countries together with a number of cases in which ICTY performed investigation. The plan is that almost all the cases go to Sarajevo court (and it is expected that almost all cases to be transferred are against Serbs), since it is the only special court in the region with partially international personnel (courts in Belgrade and Zagreb are only monitored and supervised from abroad). That way, ICTY can continue living in Sarajevo. This can remind us the case of a Serb Dragutin Zelenović, who pleaded guilty at The Hague, only in order to avoid his case to be transferred to Bosnia, i.e. to avoid serving sentence in a Bosnian prison.


The remaining cases and detainees in The Hague are very important. As for Serbs, there is a group of the top political, military and police leadership of Serbia convicted for crimes in Kosovo (Šainović, Ojdanić, Pavković, Lazarević and Lukić) pending appeal and transfer to prisons. Mrkšić and Šljivančanin are expecting transfer to prisons. There are two cases on trial, potentially threatening to make a ground for revision of the judgment of ICJ in Bosnia vs. Serbia case: trial of general Momčilo Perišić, Head of VJ General Staff during the Bosnian war (Perišić later became member of DOS and in 2002 was arrested in flagranti with the CIA representative in Serbia) and the trial of Jovica Stanišić, head of the Serbian secret service whose ties with CIA were admitted by US side. From Serbia proper, there are also trials of police general Vlastimir “Rođa” Đorđević for Kosovo and the trail of Vojislav Šešelj, which is in the deadlock. As for the Bosnian Serbs, there are two important trials going on – of 7-member “Srebrenica group”, pending sentence and the common trial of Stojan Župljanin and Mićo Stanišić, which started recently. The trial of Radovan Karadžić ICTY considers as it’s been started, but after Karadžić boycotted its premature beginning (opening statement of the Prosecution) ICTY was forced to postpone its continuation for 1 March 2010 (the date which is still disputed). There are two very important trials of Croats going on. One is of generals Gotovina, Čermak and Markač, accused for “Operation Storm” and another is of Jadranko Prlić + 5 = complete political, military and police leadership of “Herzeg-Bosnia”, the Croatian entity in Western Herzegovina, drawn by the West into the Muslim-Croat Federation. One can expect that 3 top generals will not get extremely severe sentences, due to the well known US role in the Operation Storm. On the other hand, Herzeg-Bosnia leadership will be severely punished, due to its certain disobedience to the Western plans. It is worth mentioning also that Haradinaj et al. are pending appeal, so as the only two Macedonian indictees (accused of excessive force in suffocating the armed rebellion of Albanians in Aračinovo village).


For Serbia, the most dangerous thing in the remaining cases is an attempt to ‘synchronize’ cases of Stanišić, Perišić, Karadžić, Tolimir and 7-member “Srebrenica group” in order to fabricate evidence of Serbia’s participation in the “Srebrenica genocide”. The sudden attempt to adopt a resolution condemning the “Srebrenica genocide” in the Serbian Parliament has to be seen in that context. It has two aims – to further weaken Serbia and to abolish Republic of Srpska. Of course, all trials on Kosovo issue have to further back the “Kosovo independence”.


So, re-affirmation of Slobodan Milosevic and Serbian resistance in 1990s, abolishment of ICTY and its proceedings and verdicts are the key necessary elements of the Serbian liberation struggle.


Until that goal is reached, one has to expose all criminal elements of ICTY and to express appropriate solidarity and support to all of its targets and victims, no matter if they are at large, on trial or already serve the fabricated sentences.


Hunt on general Mladic needs to be condemned. Tripling the sentence to general Mrksic and colonel Sljivancanin on Vukovar by the Appeals Chamber needs to get appropriate publicity. Persons on trial or pending appeal – in the first place Serbian politician Vojislav Seselj, moved to The Hague just for being unpleasant on the Serbian political scene, President Karadzic, general Tolimir (head of RS military security and right hand of general Mladic), Ex-Head of the Serbian State Security Jovica Stanisic, FRY Vice Prime Minister Sainovic, three former Chiefs of the Yugoslav Army General Staff (Pavkovic, Ojdanic and Perisic), Kosovo hero general Lazarevic need solidarity, support and publicity.


Most of the convicted persons are being granted early release after serving 2/3 of their sentence. Those who served full sentence are in practice being released few months earlier, so that ICTY can say that all got early release. Sentences to Serb war prisoners are long and severe. They are all in foreign prisons forgotten, depraved of basic rights and left with almost no contacts with their families, who have no money for long trips to visit them. They all need solidarity contacts, care for their human rights and publicity. Among them are some who deserve special respect and urgent care:

– Milan Martić, President of the Republic of Serb Krajina, serving 35 years in Estonia,

– Momčilo Krajišnik, Speaker of the RS Parliament, serving 20 years in UK,

– Radoslav Brdjanin, RS Vice Prime Minister, serving 30 years in Denmark,

– gen. Stanislav Galić, commander of RS Army Sarajevo Romanija Corps, serving life in Germany,

– gen. Radislav Krstić, commander of RS Army Drina Corps, serving 35 years in UK,

– Milomir Stakić, mayor of Prijedor in RS, serving 40 years in France,

– Blagoje Simić, mayor of Bosanski Šamac in RS, serving 15 years in UK.


Summarizing its own activity, ICTY never gives statistics based on national/ethnic origin of its prisoners. However, since all objective observers are aware of ICTY’s clear anti-Serbian bias, most of the statistics presented here is based on national parameter. All the data were taken from the public sources, in the first place from ICTY’s own proceedings and archives, published on their web site,


Tables 1-3 show ICTY’s political bias in several levels. It is not only that two thirds of the accused are Serbs. They also die much more then the others. Actually, only they are being killed on arrest or die in prison under suspicious conditions, only they get inappropriate medical care, only they commit suicides. Sixteen killed Serbs are:

Slobodan Milošević, President of Serbia and FRY, died at The Hague,

Milan Babić, President of RSK, died at The Hague,

Vlajko Stojiljković, Serbian Minister of Interior, committed suicide before arrest,

gen. Momir Talić, Chief of the RS Army General Staff, died at The Hague,

gen. Djordje Djukić, RS Army, died at The Hague,

Slavko Dokmanović, mayor of Vukovar, died at The Hague,

Milan Kovačević, mayor of Prijedor, died at The Hague,

Miroslav Deronjić, mayor of Bratunac, died in prison in Sweden,

Željko Ražnatović “Arkan”, commander of Serb Volunteer Guard, assassinated before arrest,

Simo Drljača, died on arrest,

Dragan Gagović, died on arrest,

Janko Janjić, died on arrest,

Slobodan Miljković “Lugar”, assassinated before arrest,

Stevan Todorović, served 7 years in Spain, died after release,

Goran Borovnica, died before arrest and

Nikica Janjić, died before arrest.


Also, most of the top state officials accused are Serbs – and most of the perpetrators. Moreover, the Serbs are sentenced on much higher sentences then others. The unfinished trials will only increase these parameters of bias. On Serb detriment, of course.


Practically no politician nor civilian high state official among Croats, Muslims, Albanians and Macedonians is accused by ICTY, with few half-exceptions (Herzeg-Bosnia leadership, Haradinaj who was accused for the time when he was only a paramilitary commander and Macedonian interior minister Boškovski). But how else ICTY can treat “genocidal Serbs” if not by putting on trial SEVEN PRESIDENTS, ONE PARLIAMENTARY SPEAKER, THREE VICE PRIME MINISTERS, THREE DEFENSE AND INTERIOR MINISTERS, SIX CHIEFS OF ARMY GENERAL STAFF, ONE HEAD OF STATE SECURITY, EIGHTEEN GENERALS AND FIVE MAYORS!


Tables 4-8 give lists of all accused ethnic Serbs, Croats, Muslims, Albanians and Macedonians, respectively. Each Table gives name, category and position (the highest position in his career) of each accused, his sentence or the phase of the trial (GP means Guilty Plea) and his current location (* denotes those detained at The Hague; at the moment there are 24 Serbs, 9 Croats and 1 Macedonian).


Table 9 gives list of Serbs, currently serving their sentences, by country, together with their posts before arrest and the character of charges from their verdicts. Of course, all 22 of them serve sentences in the prisons of EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain and UK).


Table 10 gives the full picture of ICTY – all names of the accused distributed by nationality and category (rank), and with their present status indicated (at large, on trial, in prison, released, died).





























Table 1. General number, national and death rate among the accused:


Serbs 93 (66%) 16  (17%)
Croats 32 (22%) 2    (  6%)
Muslims 9   (  6%) 1    (11%)
Albanians 6   (  4%) 0
Macedonians 2   (  1%) 0
TOTAL 142 19  (13%)







Table 2. Accused by category (Category I – heads of state, supreme military commanders, prime-ministers, vice-prime ministers, ministers of defence and interior, parliament speakers, heads of state security; Category II – senior officials (mostly generals and mayors); Category III – low officials and officers, common soldiers – perpetrators.


Serbs 19 24 50
Croats 3 14 15
Muslims 3 4 2
Albanians 1 4 1
Macedonians 1 1
TOTAL 27 47 58







Table 3. Sentences in the completed cases (years):


NATION Years Total Years per Accused
Serbs (66) 855,5* 13
Croats (23) 188 8
Muslims (8) 38,5 5
Albanians (3) 13 4
TOTAL 1095 11

*Life sentence treated like 50 years









Table 4. Accused Serbs


NAME Cat. POSITION Sentence Country
1 Babić, Milan I President of RSK 13 years,GP ?Died
2 Banović, Predrag III Guard at Keraterm camp 8 years,GP France,served 7,5released
3 Beara, Ljubiša II Security Colonel in the Main Staff of VRS At trial *
4 Blagojević, Vidoje III VRS Colonel 15 years Norway
5 Borovčanin, Ljubomir III Deputy Commander of MUP RS Special Police brigade At trial *
6 Borovnica, Goran III A Serb fighter in Kozarac Died before
7 Brđanin, Radoslav I Vice-Preime Minister of RS 30 years Denmark
8 Češić, Ranko III A Serb fighter in Brčko 18 years,GP Denmark
9 Deronjić, Miroslav II Head of Bratunac Municipality 10 years,GP Sweden,died
10 Dokmanović, Slavko II Head of Vukovar Municipality Died
11 Došen, Damir III Guard at Keraterm camp 5 years,GP Served 3,5released
12 Drljača, Simo III Head of Police in Prijedor Municipality Died on arrest
13 Đorđević, Vlastimir II Assistant Minister of Interior of Serbia (public security), police general At trial *
14 Đukić, Đorđe II VRS General Died
15 Fuštar, Dušan III Guard commander at Keraterm camp 9 years Case transferred to Bosnia
16 Gagović, Dragan III Chief of police in Foča Died on arrest
17 Galić, Stanislav II Commander of the Sarajevo Romanija Corps, VRS General Life Germany
18 Gruban, Momčilo III Guard commander at Omarska camp 7 years Case transferred to Bosnia
19 Gvero, Milan II Assistant Commander of VRS Main Staff, General At trial *
20 Hadžić, Goran I President of RSK At large
21 Janjić, Janko III A Serb commander in Foča Died on arrest
22 Janjić, Nikica III Guard at Omarska and Keraterm camps Died before
23 Janković, Gojko III A Serb commander in Foča 34 years Case transferred to Bosnia
24 Jelisić, Goran III A Serb policeman, head of Luka camp 40 years,GP Italy
25 Jokić, Dragan III VRS semi-colonel 8 years Austria
26 Jokić, Miodrag II JNA Admiral 7 years,GP Denmark,served 7released
27 Karadžić, Radovan I President of RS At trial *
28 Knežević, Duško III Person entering Keraterm and Omarska camps 31 years Case transferred to Bosnia
29 Kolundžija, Dragan III Guard at Keraterm camp 3 years,GP Served 2Released
30 Kos, Milojica III Guard at Omarska camp 6 years Served 4Released
31 Kovač, Radomir III VRS MP Platoon sub-commander in Foča 20 years Norway
32 Kovačević, Milan II Head of Prijedor Municipality Died
33 Kovačević, Vladimir III JNA Captain Case transferred to Serbia
34 Krajišnik, Momčilo I President of the Bosnian Serb Assembly 20 years UK
35 Krnojelac, Milutin III Commander of Foča prison 15 years Italy,served 11released
36 Krstić, Radislav II VRS General,  Drina Corps Commander 35 years UK
37 Kunarac, Dragoljub III VRS MP Platoon Commander in Foča 28 years Germany
38 Kvočka, Miroslav III RS Policeman, deputy guard commander at Omarska camp 7 years Served 7,released
39 Lazarević, Vladimir II Commander of the Third Army of VJ, General Colonel Appeal(15 years) *
40 Lukić, Milan III Head of “White Eagles” in Višegrad Appeal(life) *
41 Lukić, Sredoje III Member of “White Eagles” in Višegrad Appeal(30 years) *
42 Lukić, Sreten II Assistant Minister of Interior of Serbia (public security), police general Appeal(22 years) *
43 Martić, Milan I President of RSK 35 years Estonia
44 Mejakić, Željko III Commander of Omarska camp 21 years Case transferred to Bosnia
45 Miletić, Radivoje II Deputy Chief of Staff of VRS, General At trial *
46 Miljković, Slobodan – „Lugar“ III A Serb fighter in Bosanski Šamac Died before
47 Milošević, Dragomir II Commander of the Sarajevo Romanija Corps, VRS General Appeal(33 years) *
48 Milošević, Slobodan I President of FRY, President of Serbia Died
49 Milutinović, Milan I President of Serbia Acquitted
50 Mladić, Ratko I Commander of the Main Staff of the Bosnian Serb Army, General Colonel At large
51 Mrđa, Darko III Member of RS special police unit 17 years,GP Spain
52 Mrkšić, Mile I JNA general and then Commander in Chief of SVK 20 years Awaitingtransfer
53 Nikolić, Dragan III Commander of Sušica camp 20 years,GP Italy
54 Nikolić, Drago III Lieutenant of VRS, Chief of Security of Zvornik Brigade At trial *
55 Nikolić, Momir III VRS security captain in Bratunac 20 years,GP Finland
56 Obrenović, Dragan III VRS major, deputy commander of Zvornik brigade 17 years,GP Norway
57 Ojdanić, Dragoljub I Chief of the General Staff of VJ, Minister of Defence of FRY, Army General Appeal(15 years) *
58 Pandurević, Vinko III Lieutenant Colonel of VRS Drina Corps At trial *
59 Pavković, Nebojša I Chief of the General Staff of VJ, General Colonel Appeal(22 years) *
60 Perišić, Momčilo I Chief of the General Staff of VJ, Army General At trial *
61 Plavšić, Biljana I President of RS 11 years,GP Sweden, served9, released
62 Popović, Vujadin II Security Lieutenant Colonel of VRS in Drina Corps At trial *
63 Prcać, Dragoljub III RS Policeman at Omarska camp 5 years Served 5,released
64 Radić, Miroslav III JNA Captain Acquitted
65 Radić, Mlađo III RS Policeman at Omarska camp 20 years France
66 Rašević, Mitar III Guards commander in Foča prison 8 years Case transferred to Bosnia
67 Ražnatović, Željko – „Arkan“ II Commander of Serbian Volunteer Guard Died before
68 Sikirica Duško III Commander of Keraterm camp 15 years,GP Austria
69 Simatović, Franko II High Official of the Serbian State Security, commander of JSO At trial *
70 Simić, Blagoje II Head of Bosanski Šamac Municipality 15 years UK
71 Simić, Milan III Official at Bosanski Šamac Municipality 5 years,GP Served 5,released
72 Stakić, Milomir II Head of Prijedor Municipality 40 years France
73 Stanišić, Jovica I Head of the State Security Service of Serbia At trial *
74 Stanišić, Mićo II Minister of Interior of RS At trial *
75 Stanković, Radovan III A Serb fighter in Foča 20 years Case transferred to Bosnia
76 Stojiljković, Vlajko I Minister of Interior of Serbia Died before
77 Strugar, Pavle II JNA Admiral 7,5 years Served 7,5released
78 Šainović, Nikola I Deputy Prime Minister of FRY Appeal(22 years) *
79 Šešelj, Vojislav I Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, President of SRS At trial *
80 Šljivančanin, Veselin II JNA Major and then VJ Colonel 17 years Awaitingtransfer
81 Tadić, Duško III A Serb fighter and SDS party activist in Kozarac 20 years Germany,served 14,5released
82 Tadić, Miroslav III Official at Bosanski Šamac Municipality 8 years Served 6,5released
83 Talić, Momir I Commander of the Main Staff of the Bosnian Serb Army, General Died
84 Todorović, Stevan III Chief of police in Bosanski Šamac 10 years,GP Spain,served 7released, died
85 Todović, Savo III Guards deputy commander in Foča prison 12 years Case transferred to Bosnia
86 Tolimir, Zdravko II Assistant Commander for Intelligence and Security of VRS Main Staff, General Pre-trial *
87 Trbić, Milorad III VRS captain Case transferred to Bosnia
88 Vasiljević, Mitar III “White Eagles” fighter in Višegrad 15 years Austria
89 Vuković, Zoran III VRS MP Platoon sub-commander in Foča 12 years Norway,served 8,5released
90 Zarić, Simo III Security Official at Bosanski Šamac Municipality 6 years Served 6released
91 Zelenović, Dragan III A Serb soldier in Foča 15 years,GP* Belgium
92 Žigić, Zoran III Guard at Keraterm, Omarska and Trnopolje camps 25 years Austria
93 Župljanin, Stojan II Internal affairs advisor to the President of RS At trial *

* – detained at The Hague







Table 5. Accused Croats


NAME Cat. POSITION Sentence Country
1 Ademi, Rahim II General Acquitted Case transfered to Croatia
2 Aleksovski, Zlatko III Commander of Kaonik prison 7 years Finland,served 4,5released
3 Alilović, Stipo III HVO fighter in Lasva Valley Died before
4 Blaškić, Tihomir II General 9 years Served 8released
5 Bobetko, Janko I Chief of the Main Staff of the Croatian Army, General Died before
6 Bralo, Miroslav III Member of HVO special unit 20 years Sweden
7 Čerkez, Mario II Commander of the Vitez HVO Brigade 6 years Served 7released
8 Čermak, Ivan II Assistant Minister of Defense, General Colonel of Croatian Army At trial *
9 Ćorić, Valentin II Commander of the HVO Military Police, Minister of Interior of Herzeg-Bosna At trial *
10 Erdemović, Dražen III Soldier of VRS 5 years,GP Norway,served 3released
11 Furundžija, Anto III HVO local commander in Vitez 10 years Finland,served 6,5released
12 Gotovina, Ante II General Colonel of the Croatian Army At trial *
13 Josipović, Drago III HVO fighter in Lasva Valley 12 years Spain,served 8,5released
14 Kordić, Dario I President of HDZ BiH, Vice-president of Herzeg-Bosna 25 years Austria
15 Kupreškić, Mirjan III HVO fighter in Lasva Valley Acquitted
16 Kupreškić, Zoran III HVO fighter in Lasva Valley Acquitted
17 Kupreškić, Vlatko III HVO fighter in Lasva Valley Acquitted
18 Ljubičić, Paško II HVO Commander 10 years Case transfered to Bosnia
19 Marinić, Zoran III HVO fighter in Lasva Valley Indictmntwithdrwn
20 Markač, Mladen II Assistant Minister of Interior of Croatia, General Colonel and commander of special police At trial *
21 Martinović, Vinko III HVO Platoon commander in Mostar 18 years Italy
22 Mucić, Zdravko III Commander of Čelebići camp 9 years Served 7released
23 Naletilić, Mladen II HVO Battalion commander in Mostar 20 years Italy
24 Norac, Mirko II General 7 years Case transfered to Croatia
25 Papić, Dragan III HVO fighter in Lasva Valley Acquitted
26 Petković, Milivoj II Chief of the HVO Main Staff (Herzeg-Bosna) At trial *
27 Praljak, Slobodan II Assistant Minister of Defense of Croatia in charge of Herzeg-Bosna At trial *
28 Prlić, Jadranko I President of Herzeg-Bosna At trial *
29 Pušić, Berislav II Head of all Herzeg-Bosna war prisons At trial *
30 Rajić, Ivica III HVO commander in Kiseljak 12 years,GP Spain
31 Stojić, Bruno II Defense Minister of Herzeg-Bosna At trial *
32 Šantić, Vladimir III HVO local commander in Lasva Valley 18 years Spain,served 11,5released

* – detained at The Hague










Table 6. Accused Muslims


NAME Cat. POSITION Sentence Country
1 Alagić, Mehmed II General of ABiH Died
2 Delalić, Zejnil II Regional commander of ABiH at Čelebići Acquitted
3 Delić, Hazim III Commander of Čelebići camp 18 years Served 12released
4 Delić, Rasim I Commander of the Main Staff of ABiH, General Appeal(3 years)
5 Hadžihasanović, Enver I Chief of the Supreme Command Staff of ABiH, General 3,5 years Served 7released
6 Halilović, Sefer I Chief of the Supreme Command Staff of ABiH, General Acquitted
7 Kubura, Amir II Colonel of ABiH 2 years Served 5released
8 Landžo, Esad III Guard at Čelebići camp 15 years Served 10released
9 Orić, Naser II Miltary commander in Srebrenica area Acquitted






Table 7. Accused Albanians


NAME Cat. POSITION Sentence Country
1 Bala, Haradin III Guard at Lapušnik camp 13 years France
2 Balaj, Idriz II Commander of „Black Eagles“ KLA special unit Appeal(not guilty)
3 Brahimaj, Lahi II Deputy KLA commander in  Dukagjin area Appeal(6 years)
4 Haradinaj, Ramush I „Prime-Minister“, KLA commander in  Dukagjin area Appeal(not guilty)
5 Limaj, Fatmir II KLA commander in Lapušnik area Acquitted
6 Musliu, Isak II KLA commander in Lapušnik area Acquitted





Table 8. Accused Macedonians


NAME Cat. POSITION Sentence Country
1 Boškoski, Ljube I Minister of Interior of Macedonia Appeal(not guilty)
2 Tarčulovski, Johan II Head of personal security of President Appeal(12 years) *

* – detained at The Hague


Table 9. Serbs serving sentences in EU prisons, by country. (Roman number denotes prisoner’s category and the numbers in brackets are numbers of years in the sentence and served so far.)


AUSTRIA Jokić, DraganIII(9/8)

VRS semi-colonel


Aiding and abetting persecutions and murder

Sikirica, DuškoIII                    GP(15/9)

Commander of Keraterm camp



Vasiljević, MitarIII(15/9,5)

“White Eagles” fighter in Višegrad


Aiding and abetting persecutions and murder

Žigić, ZoranIII(25/11,5)

Guard at Keraterm, Omarska and Trnopolje camps


Persecutions, torture and cruel treatment

BELGIUM Zelenović, DraganIII                  GP*(15/4)

A Serb soldier in Foča


Torture and rape

DENMARK Brđanin, RadoslavI(30/10)

Vice-Prime Minister of RS


Aided and abetted persecutions, torture, deportations, destruction of cities, religious objects, killing

Češić, RankoIII                    GP(18/7)

A Serb fighter in Brčko


Murder, rape and degrading treatment

ESTONIA Martić, MilanI(35/7)

President of RSK


Persecutions, murder, deportations, torture, wanton destruction of villages, attacks on civilians (Zagreb shelling)

FINLAND Nikolić, MomirIII                    GP(20/7,5)

VRS security captain in Bratunac






FRANCE Radić, MlađoIII(20/11,5)

RS Policeman at Omarska camp


Persecutions, murder and torture

Stakić, MilomirII(40/8,5)

Head of Prijedor Municipality


Persecutions, extermination, murder

GERMANY Galić, StanislavII(Life/10)

Commander of the Sarajevo Romanija Corps, VRS General


Violent acts to spread terror among civilians, murder

(“Siege of Sarajevo”)

Kunarac, DragoljubIII(28/11,5)

VRS MP Platoon Commander in Foča


Torture and rape, enslavement

ITALY Jelisić, GoranIII                    GP(40/11)

A Serb policeman, head of Luka camp


Murder, cruel treatment, plunder

Nikolić, DraganIII                    GP(20/9,5)

Commander of Sušica camp


Persecutions, murder, sexual violence, torture

NORWAY Blagojević, VidojeIII(15/8)

VRS Colonel


Aiding and abetting murder and persecutions

Kovač, RadomirIII(20/10)

VRS MP Platoon sub-commander in Foča


Enslavement and rape

Obrenović, DraganIII                    GP(17/8,5)

VRS major, deputy commander of Zvornik brigade



SPAIN Mrđa, DarkoIII                    GP(17/7)

Member of RS special police unit


Murder, inhumane acts

UK Krajišnik, MomčiloI(20/9,5)

President of the Bosnian Serb Assembly


Persecutions, deportation, inhumane acts

Krstić, RadislavII(35/11)

VRS General,  Drina Corps Commander

Aiding and abetting genocide, murders, extermination and persecution; murder


Simić, BlagojeII(15/8,5)

Head of Bosanski Šamac Municipality


Persecutions and deportation



S    E    R    B    S






















Head of State Slobodan Milošević Milan Milutinović Radovan Karadžić,Biljana Plavšić Milan Martić,Milan Babić,Goran Hadžić Jadranko Prlić,Dario Kordić (vice,II)
Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj
Parliament Speaker Momčilo Krajišnik
Deputy PM Nikola Šainović Vojislav Seselj Radoslav Brđanin
Defense Minister Gen. Dragoljub Ojdanić Bruno Stojić (II)
Interior Minister Vlajko Stojiljković Mićo Stanišić Valentin Ćorić (II) Ljube Boškoski
Chief of Army General Staff Gen. Nebojša Pavković,Gen. Momčilo Perišić Gen. Ratko Mladić,Gen. Momir Talić Gen. Mile Mrkšić Gen. Janko Bobetko Milivoj Petković (II) Gen. Rasim Delić,Gen. Emir Hadžihasanović,Gen. Sefer Halilović
Secret Service Head Jovica Stanišić








Senior officials


Adm. Miodrag Jokić,Gen. Vladimir Lazarević,Adm. Pavle Strugar,

Col .Veselin Šljivančanin


Gen. Vlastimir Đorđević,Gen. Sreten Lukić,Željko Ražnatović – Arkan,

Franko Simatović


Col. Ljubiša Beara,Miroslav Deronjić,Gen. Đorđe Đukić,

Gen. Stanislav Galić,

Gen. Milan Gvero,

Milan Kovačević,

Gen. Radislav Krstić,


Gen. Dragomir Milošević,

Blagoje Simić,

Milomir Stakić,


Stojan Župljanin

Slavko Dokmanović Gen. Rahim Ademi,Gen. Tihomir Blaškić,Gen. Ivan Čermak,

Gen. Ante Gotovina,

Gen. Mladen Markač,

Gen. Mirko Norac,

Slobodan Praljak


Mario Čerkez,Paško Ljubičić,Mladen Naletilić,

Berislav Pušić


Gen. Mehmed Alagić,Col. Zejnil Delalić,Col. Amir Kubura,

Col. Naser Orić

Idriz Balaj,Lahi Brahimaj,Fatmir Limaj,

Isak Musliu

Johan Tarčulovski






















Low officials and officers, perpetrators

Vladimir Kovačević,Miroslav Radić  Predrag Banović,Col.VidojeBlagojevićLjubomirBorovčanin,

Goran Borovnica,

Ranko Češić,

Damir Došen,

Simo Drljača,

Dušan Fuštar,

Dragan Gagović,

Momšilo Gruban,

Janko Janjić,

Nikica Janjić,

Gojko Janković,

Goran Jelisić,

Dragan Jokić,

Duško Knežević,

Dragan Kolundžija,

Milojica Kos,

Radomir Kovač,

Milutin Krnojelac,

Dragoljub Kunarac,

Miroslav Kvočka,

Milan Lukić,

Sredoje Lukić,

Željko Mejakić,

Slobodan Miljković,

Darko Mrđa,

Dragan Nikolić,

Drago Nikolić,

Momir Nikolić,

Dragan Obrenović,

Vinko Pandurević,

Vujadin Popović,

Dragoljub Prcać,

Mlađo Radić,




















Mitar Rašević,

Duško Sikirica,

Milan Simić,

Radovan Stanković,

Duško Tadić,

Miroslav Tadić,

Stevan Todorović,

Savo Todović,

Milorad Trbić,

Mitar Vasiljević,

Zoran Vuković,

Simo Zarić,

Dragan Zelenović,

Zoran Žigić

Zlatko Aleksovski,Stipo Alilović,Miroslav Bralo,

Dražen Erdemović,

Anto Furundžija,

Drago Josipović,

Mirjan Kupreškić,

Zoran Kupreškić,

Vlatko Kupreškić,

Zoran Marinić,

Vinko Martinović,

Zdravko Mucić,

Dragan Papić,

Ivica Rajić,

Vladimir Šantić


Hazim Delić,Esad Landžo Haradin Bala

Table 10. Accused by ICTY distributed by ethnicity, nationality and category (rank). Their present status is also indicated (at large – blue, on trial – red,  in prison – no color, acquitted – yellow, released – green, died – black). Four Croats from Herzeg-Bosnia are put in the Table in accordance with their formal functions, but in the rest of the statistics they were treated under category II, since Herzeg-Bosnia never developed the level of formal statehood as Republics of Srpska or Serb Krajina.