I n t e r n a t i o n a l   C o n f e r e n c e
The Hague Proceedings against Slobodan Milosevic:
Emerging Issues in International Law
The Hague, Saturday, 26 February 2005

Professor Aldo Bernardini




Professor of International Law at Teramo University in Rome. Author of many articles and several books on contemporary violations of International Law and on Yugoslav crisis in particular. His latest work is the book “La Jugoslavia assassinata” (Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, 2005).

Christopher Black




International criminal lawyer and writer from Toronto. One of the authors of the initiative to the Hague Tribunal to indict NATO leaders for war crimes. His article “An Impartial Tribunal, Really?” (2001) is considered as one of key texts for understanding of the nature of the Hague Tribunal.

Ramsey Clark




US Attorney General 1967-1969, with a key role in the history of the American Civil Rights movement. Recipient of the Gandhi Peace Award. Founder of the International Action Center, a leading US activist group, opposing domestic and international injustices. Cochairman of the International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic and member of Saddam Hussein’s legal team.

Tiphaine Dickson




Criminal defense lawyer specialized in international criminal law based in Montréal. She was lead counsel for the defense in one of the first UN trials prosecuting genocide before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. Author of series of articles analyzing all important aspects of the Hague proceedings against Slobodan Milosevic and criticizing practices of the ad hoc tribunals.

Professor Hans Koechler




Professor of philosophy at the University of Inssbruck. Founder and President of the Vienna based International Progress Organization. Served in several international committees and expert groups dealing with international democracy, human rights and development. Author of over 300 works on phenomenology, existential philosophy, anthropology, human rights, philosophy of law, theory of international law, international criminal law, United Nations reform, theory of democracy, etc. UN nominated observer on behalf of IPO at Lockerbie trial. His latest book “Global Justice or Global Revenge? International Criminal Justice at the Crossroads” (Springer, 2003) is a most comprehensive analysis of the present state in this field.

Dr John Laughland




London-based writer, journalist and commentator on international affaires, lecturer at universities in Paris and Rome. A trustee of the British Helsinki Human Rights Group. Author of several books, including one of the key essays on the Hague Tribunal: “Le tribunal pénal international: gardien du nouvel ordre mondial” (François-Xavier de Guibert, 2003).

Dr Alexander Mezyaev




Doctor of International Law, docent, Deputy Head of the Department of Constitutional and International Law at the Academy of Management, Kazan, Russian Federation. Member of the Russian Association of International Law. Monitored several proceedings at the Hague tribunal in 1997 and 2003, as an observer. During 2003, he observed the Milosevic trial inside the courtroom for several months.

Professor Bhim Singh




Senior advocate at the Supreme Court of India. Leader of the Jammu and Kashmir National Panther’s Party. Former MP. He is a writer, a journalist, a statesman, a film maker, a social and civil and human rights activist. Author of several books, including “Judgment on NATO aggression against Yugoslavia” (Har-Anand, New Delhi, 2000).

Professor Velko Valkanov




Chairman of the Bulgarian Committee for Human Rights, Honorary President of the Bulgarian Antifascist Alliance, Chairman of the international foundation "Georgi Dimitrov". Many years MP, in 1992 won 47.15% of votes in the presidential elections. Attorney, professor of criminal law. Author of several books and scientific papers. Founder (in 2001) and Cochairman of the International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic.





Ramsey Clark:

           Keynote Address


Professor Hans Koechler: 
	  Global Justice or Global revenge? International Criminal Justice 
           and the Role of the United Nations Security Council


Tiphaine Dickson: 
	  Beyond the Star Chamber: Shutting Down the Milosevic 
           Defense at The Hague


Dr Alexander Mezyaev:  

           The ICTY Case Against Slobodan Milosevic: Some Questions of

           the International Law


Professor Velko Valkanov:

           The Rotten Foundations of the Hague Tribunal


Dr John Laughland: 
	  The Hague: Contravening the Principles of Nuremberg


Professor Aldo Bernardini: 
	  International Law Turned Upside Down: Yugoslavia Crisis and 
           President Milosevic's Case


Professor Bhim Singh:

           Milosevic Trial a Trash!


Christopher Black:

           Lawyer’s Experience with ad-hoc Tribunals





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