International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic The URL for this article is: Subscribe to the ICDSM email list at Receive articles posted at Click here to send the link to this article to a friend. ======================================= When President Milosevic cited FBI and MSNBC documents supporting the charge that The Kosovo Liberation Army works with Al Qaeda, the media responded as if the existence of these documents was in doubt. Actually, all it takes to find them is a computer and access to a good search engine. We used for the MSNBC quote and Lexis for the FBI testimony. -- ICDSM. Congressional Testimony December 18, 2001, Tuesday SUBCOMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS AND TERRORISM COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, UNITED STATES SENATE "GLOBAL REACH OF AL-QAEDA " TESTIMONY-BY: J.T. CARUSO, ACTING ASSISTANT DIRECTOR AFFILIATION: COUNTERTERRORISM DIVISION FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION
STATEMENT OF J. T. CARUSO ACTING ASSISTANT DIRECTOR COUNTERTERRORISM DIVISION FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Good morning, Madam Chairwoman and Members of the Subcommittee. My name is J.T. Caruso and I am the Acting Assistant Director of the FBI's Counterterrorism Division. I am pleased to appear before the Subcommittee to discuss Al Qaeda International. From its inception until approximately 1991, the group was headquartered in Afghanistan and Peshawar, Pakistan. Then in 1991, the group relocated to the Sudan where it was headquartered until approximately 1996, when Bin Laden, Mohammed Atef and other members of Al-Qaeda returned to Afghanistan. During the years Al- Qaeda was headquartered in Sudan the network continued to maintain offices in various parts of the world and established businesses which were operated to provide income and cover to Al- Qaeda operatives. AL-OAEDA TIES TO OTHER TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS Although Al-Qaeda functions independently of other terrorist organizations, it also functions through some of the terrorist organizations that operate under its umbrella or with its support, including: [I';m going to skip over this next bit] the Al-Jihad, the Al-Gamma Al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group - led by Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and later by Ahmed Refai Taha, a/k/a "Abu Yasser al Masri, "), Egyptian Islamic Jihad, and a number of jihad groups in other countries, including the Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bosnia, Croatia, Albania, Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon, the Philippines, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, the Kashmiri region of India, and the Chechen region of Russia. Al-Qaeda also maintained cells and personnel in a number of countries to facilitate its activities, including in Kenya, Tanzania, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States. By banding together, Al-Qaeda proposed to work together against the perceived common enemies in the West - particularly the United States which Al-Qaeda regards as an "infidel" state which provides essential support for other "infidel" governments. Al-Qaeda responded to the presence of United States armed forces in the Gulf and the arrest, conviction and imprisonment in the United States of persons belonging to Al-Qaeda by issuing fatwahs indicating that attacks against U.S. interests, domestic and foreign, civilian and military, were both proper and necessary. Those fatwahs resulted in attacks against U.S. nationals in locations around the world including Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Yemen, and now in the United States. Since 1993, thousands of people have died in those attacks. [END EXCERPT - Copyright 2001 eMediaMillWorks, Inc. (f/k/a Federal Document Clearing House, Inc.) Reprinted for Fair Use Only] MSNBC Webpage entitled, WHO IS OSAMA BIN LADEN Where
does al-Qaida operate? -- At present this can be read at As stated by Slobodan Milosevic, at the bottom of the document are the words: "Sources: Congressional Research Service, 'Frontline'" ========================== 1) For Pres. Milosevic's
comments on these documents, with the relevant cross-examination
and some comments, see 2) Prof. Francisco Gil-White has written a most interesting study proving, with overwhelming evidence, that the media simply lies about what Slobodan Milosevic has said. We're not talking about distortions but total reversals of meaning, with completely fabricated sentences placed in quotation marks and hyped to a trusting public. Truly chilling. See 'Media
Misrepresentation of Milosevic's Words: A Review of the
Evidence' by Prof. Francisco
Gil-White at 3) Is The Hague Tribunal a
legally constituted court? The highly respected United
Nations consultant, Dr. Hans Koechler, looks at the issue
in 'Illegal Tribunal - Illegal Indictment,' at 4) How
Madeline Albright Ordered The Hague 'Tribunal' To
'Indict' Milosevic at 5) Official Statements Prove Hague 'Tribunal'
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